The Lutheran Church


The Lutheran Church in Helsinki and Espoo

The Lutheran church offers activities for people of all ages and is open to everyone. At our stand, you can get acquainted with the church’s multicultural and multilingual activities. During the festival we also have musical moments at our stand. You can hang your prayers or wishes on the Tree of Hope. Welcome!

The Lutheran church in Helsinki and Espoo are open Christian communities for everyone. Our guiding principles are our shared values – faith, hope, and love – as well as equality: everyone is valuable and loved just as they are. In addition to Finnish and Swedish, there is active weekly activities in Arabic, English, Chinese, Estonian, and Russian. You can join in and participate, but you are equally welcome to come and find peace and rest in the midst of everyday life. You can find information about us at our stand during The World Village Festival. You are also welcome to the Global Church Worship Service on Sunday at Tiivistämö from 11:15 to 12:15. The mass is bringing together different cultures and is multilingual. Come to pray for peace, meet new people, and discover the power of joy and community!