Responsible event production is all-important at World Village Festival. On this page we have compiled important sustainability topics and links to other pages.
Responsibility in production and supply chains – important information for exhibitors
With the increasing use of online shopping outside the EU, we want to draw the attention of exhibitors to responsible production and supply chains. The production and supply chains of goods sold and used at the festival must be transparent, ethical and EU-certified.
The production chains of products and parts ordered from non-EU shops are often very unclear, the products are made with cheap labour and uncertified materials, they can contain toxins, are possibly fragile and explosive, and their transport emissions as airborne freight are very high. Such products include for example clothing, shoes, cooking utensils, tableware, small electronics, fabrics and jewellery or parts of them.
Read more in Finnish 3.2.25 Pikkupakettien vyöry Kiinasta Suomeen kasvoi räjähdysmäisesti 19.1.25 Suomalaisten ”temuttamisesta” on tullut ongelma, arvioi osa hallituspuolueista 30.11.24 Suomessa on myyty paistolastoja, jotka sulavat käytössä – ”EU:n ulkopuolisia nettikauppoja kannattaa välttää” 11.7.24 Kiinalainen ultrapikamuoti ei kelpaa edes kaikille kirpputoreille – paketteja tuodaan kierrätykseen jo avaamattomina
Eetti 19.9.24 Suomalaisten suosima Temu painii vastuuttomuudessa omassa sarjassaan
A responsible festival production
Environmental responsibility
The festival’s environmental responsibility is reflected in many practical actions. As an Eco Compass-certified event, we monitor waste volumes and recycling rates with the Ympäristönetti service. Food waste is minimised through careful planning. Since 2024, only vegetarian food is sold at the festival, and we emphasise the importance of local and organic ingredients and Fair-Trade products. Only biodegradable disposable containers are allowed. At the recycling points, trained volunteers will help visitors to sort their waste. Performers’ air travel emissions are offset by donating 10% of the ticket price to nature conservation. Ecologically printed materials and signs are recycled and reused. We strive for paper lessness.
Social responsibility
The festival’s social responsibility stems from human rights, and we emphasise diversity, equality and equity in all our actions. The programme features performers and speakers from different backgrounds, promoting intercultural understanding and non-discrimination. The sense of community is strong as different communities and organisations come together to work for social justice and sustainable development. The festival has volunteer opportunities for all kinds of people, and we actively seek to provide volunteering opportunities for those who need special support. Accessibility and availability are considered as widely as possible. In the spring we will publish an accessibility map, which will aim to describe and articulate the accessibility of the festival area as detailed as possible.
We are committed to promoting the principles of equality, justice and equity. Everyone is welcome at the festival as themselves and we do not tolerate discrimination or harassment of any kind. The requirements for equality and equal treatment are based on the Equality Act, the Non-Discrimination Act and the Occupational Safety and Health Act. The obligations and rights under these laws apply to everyone who participates in World Village Festival.
Financial responsibility
We take care of financial sustainability by working with responsible subcontractors and local operators, especially in site production. We favour Fair Trade products. We do not seek to make a profit by organising the festival. Exhibitor prices are kept reasonable and organisations and Fingo’s members get stands at a reduced price. Admission to the event is free to the public, allowing everyone to participate regardless of their financial situation.
Responsible and open programme
We strive to ensure that the performers at the festival are as diverse as possible, representing a wide range of backgrounds and social views. Performers must commit to Fingo’s Safer Space Guidelines and the principles of a festival free from discrimination and harassment.
We will consider any criminal investigations and convictions, and situations will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis. We will pay particular attention to incitement against an ethnic group or other hate crime as a disqualifying factor for performing. For very old convictions, we pay attention to how the person has demonstrated change and a commitment to equality and accountability.
Our starting point is that those who provide a programme for the festival commit to the same principles in their choice of performers.
Criteria for selecting partners and exhibitors
World Village Festival involves around two hundred exhibitors and several dozen partners. As a voice for civil society and an arena for discussion on global issues we welcome all opinions and perspectives, because only by working together we can contribute to building a more sustainable future in Finland and around the world.
All participating exhibitors and other partners must commit to comply with Finnish law and to respect and promote fundamental and human rights in all their actions. We do not demand similarity of views and opinions, but we do require respectful attitudes and constructive discussion between all participants. Participants must commit to the festival’s values of diversity, inspiration, equality, responsibility and community, and accept a commitment to non-discrimination and non-harassment.
We will not cooperate with operators whose activities are in significant conflict with the Sustainable Development Goals.