Graphic image of Kattilahalli building.

Pääkaupungin turvakoti


Pääkaupungin turvakoti ryhas three forms of activity:
Shelters for victims of domestic violence, Kilpola Housing Unit,
and a Domestic Violence Counseling Unit.
The association produces high-quality professional institutional and outpatient services for all parties of domestic violence. The purpose of the work is to identify and end violence as well as to work through violent experiences.

According to its founding charter, the purpose of Pääkaupungin turvakoti ry, established in 1978, is to prevent domestic violence. Through the association’s client work, the purpose is also to remedy the damage caused by violence, as well as to support families with children at risk of exclusion. The purpose of the association is not to gain profit or other direct financial benefit for those participating in its activities.

In order to achieve its purpose, the associations
•offers institutional and outpatient services for all
parties in cases of domestic violence;
•supports the client families of child welfare services;
•carries out social advocacy work to improve the status
of children and families at risk of exclusion;
•carries out research, publication, and communication

The association has three forms of activity:
Shelters for victims of domestic violence, Kilpola Housing Unit,
and a Domestic Violence Counseling Unit.

The association produces high-quality professional institutional and outpatient services for all parties of domestic violence. The purpose of the work is to identify and end violence as well as to work through violent experiences

Clients of our services are:
Children or adults who have experienced domestic violence;
Perpetrators of domestic violence;
The people close to victims or perpetrators of domestic violence.

You can support the association’s work with, for example, financial or material donations, by becoming a member, or by volunteering for the association.