Festivaalin opastekylttejä Suvilahdessa.
Photo: Camilla Hanhirova.


World Village Festival is Finland’s leading event for global action for the whole family, an admission free cultural festival, a food carnival and a trade fair for sustainable development. World Village raises global challenges and solutions, increases people’s understanding and provides concrete ways to take action to create change. World Village brings people together, because only together we can change the world. Festival’s core values are diversity, inspiration, equality, responsibility and communality.

World Village Festival has been organized since 1995 and gathers around 50 000 people yearly. The main organizer is Finnish Development NGOs Fingo, which is an umbrella organization for approximately 260 development organizations. Read more about the festival’s history.

Anniversary year 2025 themed on Peace

2025 is an anniversary year for World Village Festival, as it will be 30 years since the first-ever festival and the 25th time for the festival to take place. The theme selected for the anniversary year is Peace.

Peace in the world is disturbed in ever-increasing ways, with societal stability and people’s sense of security being threatened. Peace is not just an absence of war and conflict – it is also needed to solve societal tensions and ecological crises.

Equally, many of us long for peace in our everyday lives, work, home and the environment: peaceful life and interaction, peace of mind, peace to be ourselves. World Village Festival invites communities and individuals to build peace in its many dimensions.

The festival will be held in Suvilahti, Helsinki 24.–25.5.2025.


World Village Festival is held in Suvilahti, Helsinki. The address is Kaasutehtaankatu 1 / Sörnäisten rantatie 22, 00540 Helsinki. The festival area is located few kilometers away from the centre of Helsinki and is easily accessible by public transportation, bike or foot. We recommend the use of public transportation or bicycling when coming to the festival.

By wheelchair taxi it is best to arrive from Redi’s side, address Kaasutehtaankatu 1, 00540 Helsinki. There is also a paid parking lot on the Redi side.

The closest stations and stops:
Metro – Sörnäinen and Kalasatama
Bus – Suvilahti and Sörnäinen, Sörnäisten rantatie
Tram – Sörnäinen, Lintulahti, Helsinginkatu and Kaarlenkatu

For more detailed information about public transportation, please visit The Helsinki Region journey planner (Reittiopas) by HSL.

From further, you can reach the festival conveniently and environmentally friendly by public transport to Kamppi or the Railway Station. For example, choose OnniBus, which runs to Helsinki from dozens of different locations in Finland. From the city centre, it’s easy to take the metro to Kalasatama, a few hundred metres from the festival area.

There is a bike park near the entrance of the festival on the Sörnäinen rantatie side. Bicycle storage at your own risk. See the map of the area. 

The Speaker’s Stage programme will be streamed live on the festival’s website during the event and can be watched anywhere in the world.

Safer space for everyone

There is a first aid stand, the police and information points at the festival site.

The festival and all of its digital channels are safe spaces, and any inappropriate behaviour or harassment is forbidden. Inappropriate comments are not allowed and will be removed from all social media channels. This year’s World Village Festival will provide access to the services of a Harassment Contact Person in case of any incidents of harassment. Read more.

Forbidden items

All such objects and substances described as prohibited by law. In addition to this:

  • Tools, knives, hammers, pliers, etc., without accreditation
  • Poles over a meter long, telescopic rods, etc.
  • Umbrellas
  • Compressed air horns and other mechanical/electrical noise-producing devices
  • Laser pointers and radio transmitters etc. electrical equipment
  • Flares, smoke, fireworks, etc
  • Racist or degrading texts or images
  • Disposable grills and fire-making equipment

Frequently Asked Questions

Does the festival have an admission fee?

No. Entrance to the festival area is free.

Does the festival have an age limit?

Most of the festival’s programme is open to everyone regardless of age.

Where should I enquire about lost property?

Lost property can be inquired from the festival sites and the info. After the festival on Monday, lost property is delivered to Lost & Found International.

Is the festival accessible?

The entire festival area is barrier-free and open to all. The area in front of the Main Stage features a raised platform for wheelchair users to view programme on the stage. The Speakers’ Stage is equipped with an induction loop system. Read more about accessibility.

Is there a baby changing and feeding facility on the festival site? 

Yes. You can find it at the Kids’ Corner. More information can be found on the Children’s festival page.

Does the festival account for its carbon footprint?

Yes. Read more about the festival’s environmental work and carbon footprint on the Environment page.

Who organises the festival?

The festival is hosted by Fingo ry, an umbrella organisation for 250 CSOs and an expert organisation in the field of development. Fingo is funded through the Ministry for Foreign Affairs’ development cooperation appropriations.

Main partners are Finn Church Aid, the European Commission Representation in Finland, the European Parliament Liaison Office in Finland, and Maailman Kuvalehti -magazine.

The World Village Festival is an excellent opportunity to get to know Fingo and its member organisations. The festival’s exhibitors include hundreds of NGOs as well as educational institutions, museums, public authorities and companies.

People at the concert of Les Amazones d'Afrique.

For a more sustainable and just world

World Village Festival is a sustainable development event open for all. Festival is organized by Fingo, so that life would be better – for everyone.

Photo: Camilla Hanhirova