• ICAHD Finland

    Market of Possibilities

    ICAHD Finland is the Finnish branch of an Israeli organisation opposing Israeli apartheid and working […]

  • Ikimetsän ystävät

    Market of Possibilities

    The Finnish Natural Heritage Foundation is a non-governmental organization that promotes the protection of old […]

  • International Solidarity Work

    Market of Possibilities

    Kansainvälinen solidaarisuustyö ry (Kv-solid) on vasemmistolaista kehitysyhteistyötä, kehitysviestintää sekä solidaarisuuskampanjoita toteuttava järjestö. Toimimme mm. uiguurien […]

  • Interpedia

    Market of Possibilities

    Interpedia is an expert non-governmental organisation working for child rights and protection in an international […]

  • JHL:n KaMuT

    Exhibitors Tents

    JHL ry:n Etelä-Suomen alueen maahanmuuttajaverkosto, KaMuT JHL ry:n Etelä-Suomen alueen maahanmuuttajaverkoston tavoitteena on koota alueella […]

  • Kalevi Sorsa Foundation

    Market of Possibilities

    Kalevi Sorsa Foundation is a social democratic think tank that promotes a just ecological transition. […]

  • Kapua

    Market of Possibilities

    Kapua raises funds to help people in developing countries by climbing mountains. Kapua has collected […]

  • KIOS Foundation

    Market of Possibilities

    The KIOS Foundation supports the work of human rights defenders in East Africa and South […]

  • Kodin kestot

    Books and Recycling World

    Kodin Kestot ry has been working for a more sustainable everyday life for 20 years […]

  • Lions Club

    Market of Possibilities

    Lions Clubs International is the biggest serving organisation in the world with independent Lions clubs […]

  • Luckan Integration

    Market of Possibilities

    Luckan Integration offers professional advice on finding your way in Finland. We offer individual guidance, […]

  • Mirsal


    Mirsal ry supports mostly, but not exclusively Arabic speaking communities’ integration in Finland. At this […]

  • MLL

    Market of Possibilities

    The Mannerheim League for Child Welfare (MLL) Uusimaa district is an NGO and membership is […]

  • Moniheli

    Exhibitors Tents

    Moniheli is Finland’s largest multicultural network and expert organisation for integration and immigration. The Moniheli […]

  • Seed

    Market of Possibilities

    Seed ry is an independent, non-profit, politically and religiously non-committed aid organization. We collect funds […]

  • SOS Children’s Villages Finland

    Market of Possibilities

    SOS Children’s Villages Finland is an international child protection organisation that helps the most vulnerable […]

  • Spartacus Foundation

    Exhibitors Tents

    Spartacus Foundation works for justice, solidarity, peace, human rights and the environment in Finland, Europe […]

  • Suomen CISV-liitto

    Market of Possibilities

    Suomen CISV-liitto – CISV-Förbundet i Finland Our goal is to support the growth of children […]

  • Suomi Gambia Yhdistys

    Food Vendors

    Suomi-Gambia Yhdistys on gambialaisten yhdistys Suomessa. Se rekisteröitiin vuonna 1994 ja sen kotipaikka on Helsinki. […]

  • Suomi-Syyria Ystävyysseura

    Market of Possibilities

    Suomi-Syyria Ystävyysseuran toiminnan tavoitteena on arabiankielisen väestön Suomeen kotoutumisen edistäminen ja helpottaminen. Tavoitteena on lisäksi […]

  • SYL & HYY

    Market of Possibilities

    National Union of University Students in Finland (SYL) and Student Union of the University of […]

  • Taksvärkki

    Market of Possibilities

    Taksvärkki ry is a non-governmental organizationwhose objective is to improve the living conditions and promote […]

  • Taste of Africa

    Food Vendors

    With an all vegetarian menu of Real Authentic African Cuisine and the 2013 winners of […]

  • Technology for Life

    Books and Recycling World

    Our possibilities to influence technological choices have to be increased. In research and education, more […]

  • The Finnish Nature Association

    Market of Possibilities

    The Finnish Nature Association (Luontoliitto in Finnish) is a nationwide non-governmental nature and environmental protection […]

  • The KSL Study Centre

    Exhibitors Tents

    Visit our tent to create craftivism, get to know our publications and talk with us […]

  • The Leprosy Mission Finland

    Market of Possibilities

    The Leprosy Mission Finland works towards a world without leprosy. Today over 170 000 children, […]

  • Väestöliitto

    Exhibitors Tents

    Väestöliitto is Finland’s leading expert on global sexual rights. We work as experts through advocacy, […]

  • Women’s Association Union

    Market of Possibilities

    Women’s Association Union is an intersectional feminist organization founded 1892. At our desk you can […]

  • Workers’ Academy

    Market of Possibilities

    The Työväen Akatemia is a folk high school, set up in 1924 to provide university […]