• Fida

    Exhibitors Tents

    50 years of Fida’s Development Cooperation! Experience the unfairness of the world through a game […]

  • Finn Church Aid

    Exhibitors Tents

    KUA goes where the need is greatest, because the courageous act even when afraid. At […]

  • Save the Children

    Exhibitors Tents

    Save the Children is the world’s leading independent child rights organization, creating both immediate and […]

  • World’s Pictorial Magazine

    Exhibitors Tents

    The World’s Pictorial Magazine is a media outlet for a curious global citizen. The magazine […]

  • ADRA Finland

    Exhibitors Tents

    ADRA Finland is a Finnish development cooperation and aid organization. It operates internationally in different […]

  • African pots

    Food Vendors

    Dive into African culture with dynamic workshops, events, and training. Join us in celebrating diversity, […]

  • Agran koululaiset

    Market of Possibilities

    Agran koululaiset ry is a Finnish non-political and religious non-governmental organization. We support Dalitto have […]

  • All Our Children

    Exhibitors Tents

    All Our Children is an anti-racist children’s rights organisation which purpose is to improve the […]

  • Association of grasslanders

    Food Vendors

    The Association of grasslanders in Finland ( ASSOGRAF) is a cultural association originating from Cameroon […]

  • Biodynaaminen yhdistys

    Books and Recycling World

    Biodynaaminen yhdistys myy yhdistyksen julkaisemaa kirjallisuutta ja Demeter-lehtiä. Yhdistyksen Demeter-lehti, joka on rohkeasti puolustanut biodynaamista […]

  • Cambodian food

    Food Vendors

    Maukasta kambodzhalaista katuruokaa. Teemme kaikki mausteet ja kastikkeet ihan alusta lähtien itse.

  • Caritas Finland

    Market of Possibilities

    Caritas Finland is the Finnish arm of the international aid organisation of the Catholic Church. […]

  • Changemaker

    Exhibitors Tents

    Changemaker is an advocacy network for youth and young adults that strives for global justice. […]

  • Disability Partnership Finland

    Market of Possibilities

    Disability Partnership Finland coordinates the development cooperation of Finnish organizations of persons with disabilities. The […]

  • Dodo

    Books and Recycling World

    Dodo – seeds for urban change. Urban gardening, low-threshold environmental activism, spaces for community, learning […]

  • Emmaus

    Books and Recycling World

    Emmaus is an international solidarity movement whose activities are based on volunteer-run flea markets. At […]

  • Espoon vietnamilais-suomalainen yhdistys

    Food Vendors

    Espoon vietnamilais-suomalainen yhdistys. Myymme autenttista vietnamilaista kasvisruokaa. Kevätrullia, paistettuja nuudeleita, kesärullia, paistettuja riisilettuja. Tervetuloa maistelemaan […]

  • Familia

    Market of Possibilities

    Familia ry – founded in 1988 – is a national expert organisation of intercultural families. […]

  • Filantropia

    Market of Possibilities

    Filantropia on Suomen ortodoksisen kirkon rinnalla toimiva kehitysyhteistyön, lähetystyön ja kansainvälisen diakonian järjestö. Filantropialla on […]

  • Finland-Nepal Friendship Association

    Market of Possibilities

    Finland-Nepal Friendship Association is an active 44-year-old friendship association offering information on Nepal and its […]

  • Finland-Somalia Association

    Market of Possibilities

    Building Bridges Between Somalia and Finland Finland-Somalia Association (FSA) is a non-governmental friendship organization founded […]

  • Finnish Folk High School Association

    Exhibitors Tents

    Kansanopistoyhdistys toimii elinikäisen oppimisen ja sivistyksen äänenä. Se edustaa 74 kansanopistoa Suomessa. Teltassa voi tutustua […]

  • Finnish Peace Committee

    Market of Possibilities

    Kansalaisjärjestö, jonka tavoitteena on edistää rauhaa, aseistariisuntaa, suvaitsevaisuutta, ihmisoikeuksia ja globaalia tasa-arvoa. Toimintamme perustuu humanitaarisiin, […]

  • Finnish Refugee Council

    Exhibitors Tents

    The Finnish Refugee Council is Finland’s largest expert organization specializing in issues related to forced […]

  • Finnish Somalia Network

    Market of Possibilities

    Finnish Somalia Network is the umbrella organizationfor Finnish organizations conducting development cooperation projects in Somalia […]

  • Finnish-India Society

    Market of Possibilities

    The Finnish-India-Society is a friendship association. The original name of the society was Suomalaiset Intian […]

  • Finnish-Kenya Society

    Market of Possibilities

    The purpose at the Finnish Kenya stand is to inform people about the Society’s activities […]

  • Finnish-Namibian Society

    Market of Possibilities

    Books and handicrafts from Namibia. We present 155 years of Finnish-Namibian friendship and cooperation. This […]

  • Finnish-Nicaraguan Association

    Food Vendors

    Over 40 years of friendship with Nicaraguan people and culture. Finnish-Nicaraguan Association has been supporting […]

  • Finnish-Philippine Society

    Market of Possibilities

    Finnish-Philippine Society is a friendship group that organizes child sponsoring and language courses and informs […]

  • Food and Forest Development Finland

    Exhibitors Tents

    FFD is strengthening smallholder farmers’ and forest keepers’ resilience, well-being and their organizations globally. Come […]

  • Ghana Union Finland

    Food Vendors

    Ghana Union Finland is a non-governmental organisation for multiculturalism and integration. At our stand, you […]

  • Global Music Centre

    Exhibitors Tents

    The Global Music Centre supports the work of musicians, informs about music and conducts research. […]

  • Green Living Movement Finland

    Market of Possibilities

    GLM supports the environmental and social development of rural communities. The primary aim is to […]

  • Heed Assosiation Finland

    Food Vendors

    Heed Association Finland ry is an NGO that promote health, education and integration of immigrants […]

  • Herättäjä-Yhdistys

    Market of Possibilities

    The mission of Herättäjä-Yhdistys is to support people to live as Christians (or to support […]