A graphic image of a child sitting on a person's shoulders and eating ice cream.

Aalto University Junior


Aalto University Junior offers a sneak peek to the world of higher education to children and young adults around Finland. We support the work of teachers and educators by offering free-of-charge study visits, virtual workshops, training sessions and other services to support teachers in their everyday work, whether they work in primary, secondary or upper secondary education. Our activities showcase the education and research of all the six schools of Aalto University.

Encouragement card workshop

In what kind of situations would you like to be encouraged? When you are nervous, scared, or facing a new situation? We all need a word of encouragement sometimes to dare to do something foreign or new to ourselves. Encouragement is needed in situations where we feel insecure or even afraid. Let us set the chain of encouragement in motion!

In Aalto University Junior’s workshop, festival visitors will create encouraging messages for strangers. Each writer of the message also receives a message itself. The message is painted with an invisible baking soda solution, which the recipient of the message will paint visible with a turmeric mixture. A chemical reaction occurs: alkaline baking soda reacts with turmeric, which acts as an acidity indicator. The result is brightly coloured encouragement cards for the festival visitors to enjoy!

The workshop is suitable for all ages. See more workshop details on the program page: Encouragement card workshop.