• European Union

    Exhibitors Tents

    Joint information stand of the European Parliament Liaison Office in Finland and the European Commission […]

  • Fida

    Exhibitors Tents

    50 years of Fida’s Development Cooperation! Experience the unfairness of the world through a game […]

  • Finn Church Aid

    Exhibitors Tents

    KUA goes where the need is greatest, because the courageous act even when afraid. At […]

  • FRC Kontti

    Exhibitors Tents

    FRC Kontti-secondhand is a chain of 12 secondhand stores and webshop. Our role in Finnish […]

  • Save the Children

    Exhibitors Tents

    Save the Children is the world’s leading independent child rights organization, creating both immediate and […]

  • The Lutheran Church

    Exhibitors Tents

    The Lutheran Church in Helsinki and Espoo The Lutheran church offers activities for people of […]

  • World’s Pictorial Magazine

    Exhibitors Tents

    The World’s Pictorial Magazine is a media outlet for a curious global citizen. The magazine […]

  • YMCA Peace & Sport

    Exhibitors Tents

    The YMCA Peace and Sports Zone invites festival goers to play street football and do […]

  • ADRA Finland

    Exhibitors Tents

    ADRA Finland is a Finnish development cooperation and aid organization. It operates internationally in different […]

  • All Our Children

    Exhibitors Tents

    All Our Children is an anti-racist children’s rights organisation which purpose is to improve the […]

  • Centre Party

    Exhibitors Tents

    The Centre Party has a calling. Our values and principles are present in homes and […]

  • Changemaker

    Exhibitors Tents

    Changemaker is an advocacy network for youth and young adults that strives for global justice. […]

  • Christian Democrats

    Exhibitors Tents

    Christian Democrats is a parliamentary party and part of the international Christian Democratic movement. At […]

  • City of Imatra

    Exhibitors Tents

    Imatra is a special place, practically a miracle. Located in the heartlands of Karelia, the […]

  • Elonkierron ystävät

    Exhibitors Tents

    Elonkierto – natural resource think tank, food and biodiversity exhibition park and collaboration platform. In […]

  • Embassy of Tunisia

    Exhibitors Tents

    An introduction to Tunisia as a tourist destination, Tunisian handicrafts and gastronomy, and tasting of […]

  • Esoteeriset alkemistit

    Exhibitors Tents

    Tuomme ja organisoimme maahan kehitysmaatuotteita. Erilaisia kivikoruja, raakakiviä, fossiileita ja pidämme yhdistyksen puitteissa pieniä esitelmiä […]

  • Finnish Folk High School Association

    Exhibitors Tents

    Kansanopistoyhdistys toimii elinikäisen oppimisen ja sivistyksen äänenä. Se edustaa 74 kansanopistoa Suomessa. Teltassa voi tutustua […]

  • Finnish Refugee Council

    Exhibitors Tents

    The Finnish Refugee Council is Finland’s largest expert organization specializing in issues related to forced […]

  • Finnpartnership

    Exhibitors Tents

    Finnpartnership programme promotes business between Finland and developing markets, with a focus on creating positive […]

  • Food and Forest Development Finland

    Exhibitors Tents

    FFD is strengthening smallholder farmers’ and forest keepers’ resilience, well-being and their organizations globally. Come […]

  • Freethinkers of Helsinki region

    Exhibitors Tents

    We promote: the rights of non-religious people, science-based rational thinking, humanistic values, equality regardless of […]

  • Funky Amigos

    Exhibitors Tents

    Funky Amigos is a registered non-profit grassroots cultural organization, which produces multicultural events, activities as […]

  • Global Music Centre

    Exhibitors Tents

    The Global Music Centre supports the work of musicians, informs about music and conducts research. […]

  • Helsinki Police Department

    Exhibitors Tents

    Helsinki Police Department /Field Operations and Preventive Policing The Helsinki Police Department is here for […]

  • Home Street Home

    Exhibitors Tents

    Home Street Home (HSH) is a non-profit organization located in Makongeni village, Kwale County, Kenya. […]

  • Humak

    Exhibitors Tents

    Humak University of Applied Sciences is a national university of applied sciences that operates everywhere […]

  • JHL:n KaMuT

    Exhibitors Tents

    JHL ry:n Etelä-Suomen alueen maahanmuuttajaverkosto, KaMuT JHL ry:n Etelä-Suomen alueen maahanmuuttajaverkoston tavoitteena on koota alueella […]

  • KaVa network and Eurodesk

    Exhibitors Tents

    International volunteering – KaVa network and Eurodesk Kansainvälisen Vapaaehtoistyön Verkostoon (KaVa) kuuluvat Maailmanvaihto, Allianssin nuorisovaihto […]

  • Keuda

    Exhibitors Tents

    Keski-Uudenmaan koulutuskuntayhtymä Keuda on yksi Suomen suurimpia nuorten ja aikuisten ammatillisen koulutuksen järjestäjiä. Keuda palvelee […]

  • KYLLÄ Elinluovutukselle

    Exhibitors Tents

    Say yes to organ donation. We share information about organ donation. Come and get your […]

  • Moniheli

    Exhibitors Tents

    Moniheli is Finland’s largest multicultural network and expert organisation for integration and immigration. The Moniheli […]