• Agran koululaiset

    Market of Possibilities

    Agran koululaiset ry is a Finnish non-political and religious non-governmental organization. We support Dalitto have […]

  • Attendo perhehoito

    Market of Possibilities

    Tulemme festivaaleille esittelemään perhehoitopalveluitamme. Tavoitteena lisätä tietoisuutta sijais- ja tukiperhevanhemmuudesta. Attendon perhehoitopalvelut toimii lastensuojelun perhehoidon […]

  • Bahá’í Community of Finland

    Market of Possibilities

    The Bahá’í Community of Finland welcomes people from all backgrounds to learn together about achieving […]

  • Caritas Finland

    Market of Possibilities

    Caritas Finland is the Finnish arm of the international aid organisation of the Catholic Church. […]

  • CORE Forum

    Market of Possibilities

    The CORE Forum is a national forum for cooperation of religions in Finland. At our […]

  • Democratic Civic Association

    Market of Possibilities

    Democratic Civic Association (DCA) is a leftist, nationwide educational association for adult learning, established in […]

  • Disability Partnership Finland

    Market of Possibilities

    Disability Partnership Finland coordinates the development cooperation of Finnish organizations of persons with disabilities. The […]

  • Dream Destiny Travel

    Market of Possibilities

    We offer holiday packages that allow you to immerse yourself in the rich fabric of […]

  • Eläinsuojelukeskus Tuulispää

    Market of Possibilities

    Eläinsuojelukeskus Tuulispää is a sanctuary and forever home for farm and production animals. The sanctuary, […]

  • Eläinsuojeluyhdistysten Kummit

    Market of Possibilities

    Eläinsuojeluyhdistysten Kummit ry:n pisteeltä löydät tietoa yhdistyksestämme sekä yleisesti eläinsuojelusta, tai voit tukea toimintaamme ostamalla […]

  • Fair Play at Work

    Market of Possibilities

    Do you know your rights at work? Welcome to test your knowledge of the working […]

  • Familia

    Market of Possibilities

    Familia ry – founded in 1988 – is a national expert organisation of intercultural families. […]

  • Filantropia

    Market of Possibilities

    Filantropia on Suomen ortodoksisen kirkon rinnalla toimiva kehitysyhteistyön, lähetystyön ja kansainvälisen diakonian järjestö. Filantropialla on […]

  • FinFami

    Market of Possibilities

    FinFami is a social and health organization that promotes the well-being of people who close […]

  • Finland-Nepal Friendship Association

    Market of Possibilities

    Finland-Nepal Friendship Association is an active 44-year-old friendship association offering information on Nepal and its […]

  • Finland-Somalia Association

    Market of Possibilities

    Building Bridges Between Somalia and Finland Finland-Somalia Association (FSA) is a non-governmental friendship organization founded […]

  • Finnish Hostel Association

    Market of Possibilities

    The Finnish Hostel Association is a non-profit organization for hostel operations and its network includes […]

  • Finnish Peace Committee

    Market of Possibilities

    Kansalaisjärjestö, jonka tavoitteena on edistää rauhaa, aseistariisuntaa, suvaitsevaisuutta, ihmisoikeuksia ja globaalia tasa-arvoa. Toimintamme perustuu humanitaarisiin, […]

  • Finnish Somalia Network

    Market of Possibilities

    Finnish Somalia Network is the umbrella organizationfor Finnish organizations conducting development cooperation projects in Somalia […]

  • Finnish-India Society

    Market of Possibilities

    The Finnish-India-Society is a friendship association. The original name of the society was Suomalaiset Intian […]

  • Finnish-Kenya Society

    Market of Possibilities

    The purpose at the Finnish Kenya stand is to inform people about the Society’s activities […]

  • Finnish-Namibian Society

    Market of Possibilities

    Books and handicrafts from Namibia. We present 155 years of Finnish-Namibian friendship and cooperation. This […]

  • Finnish-Philippine Society

    Market of Possibilities

    Finnish-Philippine Society is a friendship group that organizes child sponsoring and language courses and informs […]

  • Green Living Movement Finland

    Market of Possibilities

    GLM supports the environmental and social development of rural communities. The primary aim is to […]

  • Helsingin Maalariammattikoulu

    Market of Possibilities

    Helsingin Maalariammattikouluis a private vocational school for painting, floor laying, decorating and restoration work. The […]

  • HelsinkiMissio

    Market of Possibilities

    Our mission is to reduce loneliness and increase well-being. We invite everybody to take action […]

  • Herättäjä-Yhdistys

    Market of Possibilities

    The mission of Herättäjä-Yhdistys is to support people to live as Christians (or to support […]

  • Home Accommodation Network

    Market of Possibilities

    At home accommodation asylum seekers live in a private local home instead of a reception […]

  • ICAHD Finland

    Market of Possibilities

    ICAHD Finland is the Finnish branch of an Israeli organisation opposing Israeli apartheid and working […]

  • Ikimetsän ystävät

    Market of Possibilities

    The Finnish Natural Heritage Foundation is a non-governmental organization that promotes the protection of old […]

  • International Solidarity Work

    Market of Possibilities

    Kansainvälinen solidaarisuustyö ry (Kv-solid) on vasemmistolaista kehitysyhteistyötä, kehitysviestintää sekä solidaarisuuskampanjoita toteuttava järjestö. Toimimme mm. uiguurien […]

  • Interpedia

    Market of Possibilities

    Interpedia is an expert non-governmental organisation working for child rights and protection in an international […]

  • Kalevi Sorsa Foundation

    Market of Possibilities

    Kalevi Sorsa Foundation is a social democratic think tank that promotes a just ecological transition. […]

  • Kapua

    Market of Possibilities

    Kapua raises funds to help people in developing countries by climbing mountains. Kapua has collected […]

  • KIOS Foundation

    Market of Possibilities

    The KIOS Foundation supports the work of human rights defenders in East Africa and South […]

  • Lions Club

    Market of Possibilities

    Lions Clubs International is the biggest serving organisation in the world with independent Lions clubs […]